Copenhagen residents dismantle Christiania’s drug market

Residents of Copenhagen’s famous free Christiania neighbourhood started to dig up the notorious Pusher Street, the enclave’s central location, known for drug dealing.

The street is mainly a market place for cannabis, but all kinds of drugs can be found there. This place has been overshadowed by numerous deadly shootings and clashes between drug gangs lately.

The police have been intervening and even closing Pusher Street regularly since the 1980s, but without success until now. As a result, locals decided to dig up and clean the street completely in order to put an end to gang violence.

“Pusher Street has to die for Christiania to live,” Copenhagen’s mayor Sophie Hæstorp Andersen told the media.

The intention is good, but we have already seen the mobilisations in 2016 and 2019 and, unfortunately, Christiania has returned to the same state.