Marvel – Samuel L. Jackson – Secret Invasion Review by Efe Teksoy


Cinema Writer/Film Critic Efe TEKSOY; wrote the action, adventure, and drama TV-Series “SECRET INVASION ”, for America’s Los Angeles-based Internet Newspaper @alaturkanews.


Based on the Marvel Comics story of the same name, Disney + series Secret Invasion is the 9th television series of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, directed by Ali Selim. The production, which received mixed reviews from the audience in general, unlike the original story in the comic book universe (which is about an event that affected the whole Earth), the writers downsized the story and turned it into a spy thriller mini-series starring Nick Fury and Talos. But that’s not all, the creators (unlike the usual Marvel productions) have strong socio-political references and governmental references We see that they have turned it into a production that gives. For this reason, instead of the ordinary child-teen level Marvel audience, it targets an audience with an adult profile. For example, in this mini-series; There are references to political issues such as the Cold War, the Cuban Missile Crisis, or the G-20 Leaders’ Summit. This creates a profile that compels and tires the audience. The heavy emphasis on dialogue and the scarcity of fantasy-action sequences (compared to other Marvel productions) add to the challenge. However, Ali Selim and his team offer the audience an unprecedented Marvel story. This story tells the audience, just as it offers an adventure as an extension of the espionage literature and intelligence universe of John Le Carre and Tom Clancy, the important names of political and detective adventure novels in literature.

Stars; Samuel L. Jackson, Emilia Clarke, Olivia Colman, Don Cheadle, Kingsley Ben-Adir, Cobie Smulders, Killian Scott, Charlayne Woodard, and Christopher McDonald.


Mankind, who has heroes like the Avengers, meets the Skrull race just when they think they are strong enough to affect the most basic conditions of his life. And thanks to this acquaintance, he is forced to admit that they are actually no different from an ordinary species on a small planet. If we look at the ideals of the Skrulls to conquer the world and create a worldless civilization, we see that it is a different type of occupation than the English writer H. G. Wells’s War of the Worlds. Gravik, knew that World War III would in the near future result in a nuclear disaster. For this reason, it leaves the world’s military forces in conflict and comes up with the super-skrull project to control this power. Like Nietzsche’s philosophical concept of Übermensch, that is, the superhuman, here too, the idea that the human level should be transcended, like an entity caught between the animal level and the Superhuman level, comes to the fore. Thus, the repercussions of Nazi racial purification are visible. In addition, the “Technological Brave New World” foresight put forward by the Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Zizek, who is among the most important thinkers and philosophers of our time, on the innovation wave within the framework of techno-scientific advances in the world, also includes techno-scientific issues such as bio-genetics and biotechnology that are being tried to be imposed. reshaping the world with advances and ethical limitations. A disorderly and chaotic world taken over by aliens, where total extinction is intense.



The charismatic character of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) and the influential director of SHIELD, genius spy Nick Fury fights with all his might to protect the world from outside threats in Disney+’s Secret Invasion mini-TV-Series. Created in the comics by Jack Kirby and writer Stan Lee in the 1960s, this eccentric hero was initially portrayed as the leader of a US Army unit in World War II. But later, as a CIA agent, he profiled a modern-day spy. The espionage unit was then transformed into SHIELD’s favorite legendary agent. Thanks to a special anti-aging drug called Infinity Formula, he has been on the battlefield for over a century as an active agent, and his country has fought enemies. This military hero has already taken its place in the golden pages of history as one of the iconic characters and Protagonists of the history of cinema, thanks to the life of the Oscar-nominated legendary actor Samuel L. Jackson. We meet the family of Fury, whom we met in the Disney universe as a live-action, thanks to the series we watched, and we learn certain family secrets and mysteries about his past. In Secret Invasion, which we can call the origin story of Nick Fury, we also witness the revenge story of the Skrull, an extraterrestrial alien race that can change its shape like a chameleon.


The character of G’iah, played by the famous Primetime Emmy Award-nominated British actress Emilia Clarke, who shines with the character of Daenerys Targaryen in Game of Thrones, is an important pillar of the Skrull Resistance. This female Skrull, one of the most important and key characters in Secret Invasion, adds a different dimension to the series thanks to the mystery and intrigue brought by being a double agent (mole). At the beginning of the story; We see that G’iah, who has lost his faith in Fury and his father Talos, is a partner in the treacherous plan of the Gravik and Skrull Resistance to take over and rule the Earth. But then we realize that G’iah has a very important mission to save the world. This Skrull, who turned into a Super-Skrull thanks to the serum called Extremis, is one of the strongest and most dangerous names in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. G’iah character; He aids Fury in his battle with the Skrullar and plays a major role in the resistance. When we look at the subtext of the story; Reminiscent of Agent 355, America’s First Female Spy. Having served as a key member by helping George Washington win the American Revolution, Agent 355 was a patriot who played a pivotal role in helping the colonists win the War of Independence from Britain.


Another important name collaborating with Nick Fury is Sonya Falsworth, director of MI6. This character, played by Oscar-winning actress Olivia Colman, partners with Fury to protect Britain’s national security interests in Skrull Rebellion. In fact, this character is reminiscent of Stella Rimington, the first female (former) “Director General” of MI5, the British domestic intelligence service, and reminiscent of her intelligence career. From the Cold War to the IRA, Like Rimington, who is trying to survive as a woman in the male-dominated intelligence world, from “Global Terror” to the most critical struggles. Sonya Falsworth character, too, from Brogan’s torture interrogations, It is involved in dozens of dangerous missions, from UN-1 Missile Crisis and HMS Neptune.


We see that the Skrulls, who infiltrated the people in the society by disguising themselves as human beings in daily life, actually act with homesickness and missing homes, and therefore they are in search of a kind. In doing so, they gain the freedom to act as they wish in human form and appearance. This freedom has different consequences when considered sociologically. Considered the most influential American sociologist of the twentieth century, Erving Goffman was the 73rd President of the American Sociological Association. He made important contributions to the world of sociology with the concepts he put forward on social interaction. His book The Presentation

of Self in Everyday Life is presented by the International Sociological Association as the 10th most important book in sociology in the 20th century and received the American Sociological Association’s MacIver Award. The book states that people give many performances in everyday life and we wear various masks to make an effective impression. Goffman; “Anyone who is confident in their thinking, proud of their position, or anxious to fulfill their duty wears a tragic mask.”, he states that he actually commissioned the mask to make the person himself and transferred all the arrogance of the person to him. Just as the Skrulls who took human form practiced.



Erving Goffman, The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life (Günlük Yaşamda Benliğin Sunumu), Barış Cezar, translate, İstanbul: Metis yayınları press, 2020