‘Terror bombing’: Why is Russia targeting civilians in Ukraine?

Russian missiles and drones rained down on the Ukrainian capital 16 times in May. That’s equivalent to a near non-stop rate of once every two days. 

While Moscow was hit by a rare attack on Tuesday, Russia’s relentless strikes point to a concerted campaign to bombard Ukrainian civilians. But why do this?

The Kremlin denies deliberately targeting civilians – which can be considered a war crime under international law – however the UN estimated in May that more than 24,000 non-combatants had been killed since fighting began last February. 

Russian strikes have also been documented against hospitals, schools, maternity wardstheatres – the grim list goes on. 

“It’s terror bombing,” Dr Jade McGlynn, Research Fellow in War Studies at King’s College London, told Euronews. “The purpose is to make Ukrainians feel unsafe and places them under considerable psychological pressure.”

“It’s terrorism.”

Studies link prolonged exposure to war stress, including being bombed, shot at or displaced, with higher rates of PTSD and depression.  

“Aerial strikes in Ukraine are taking a huge toll on civilians’ lives,” said Achille Després, a spokesperson for the International Committee of the Red Cross in Ukraine, in a statement sent to Euronews. “People, including children, have to seek shelter and spend considerable amounts of time in underground areas like parking lots or metro stations when the air raid siren is ringing.”

“It is difficult to overstate the physical and mental fatigue that this situation generates,” he added.

erhiy Kralya, a civilian injured during shelling by Russian forces, rests after surgery at a hospital in Mariupol, Ukraine, on 11 March 2022.

Behind this “terror” campaign lies a clear objective. 

“The ultimate intention is to break the will of the population so that they will at some point give in and accept Russia,” McGlynn said, claiming Moscow’s tactics were “directed” by the Russian President. 

“Putin believes the West will give up and Ukrainians will just be grateful for an end to the terror”.

Blitz spirit

There were doubts this strategy would work, however. 

“The Russians are making the same error advocates of civilian bombardment have usually made including British and Americans in World War II,” said Charles Maier, Professor of European and International History at Harvard University. 

“Namely that attacking civilian targets will demoralise a population and thereby compel their government to surrender.”

“It didn’t work in the Second World War; indeed it often backfired, and that seems to be what’s happening now.”

Both sides in World War II bombed civilians believing it would cause morale to collapse and pressure leaders to sue for peace. 

German bombing of Britain’s urban centres like London is remembered as having steeled the public’s resistance with a Blitz spirit, though there would have been ambiguity at the time. 

Air attacks by both Russia and Ukraine have intensified as a stalemate endures on the ground, but Moscow’s strategy is far from new. 

“Civilians have always been targeted in all of Russia’s wars,” said McGlynn. “It’s long been understood that civilians are collateral damage.”

“They’ve never had much care for individual human life.”

Ahead of the Second Chechen War in 1999, Russia launched a devastating bombing campaign against breakaway Chechnya, flattening vast areas and forcing at least 100,000 from their homes.

Russian airstrikes have also hammered rebel-held areas in Syria’s ongoing civil war, being described by Human Rights Watch as “reckless, indiscriminate and deliberately targeting civilians”. 

In Ukraine, McGlynn says Russia’s willingness to indiscriminately pound civilian areas stems from a colonial view of the country. 

“For Russia, there are two types of Ukrainians: The good little brother or sort of a sidekick who speaks Russian… and the bad Ukrainians who embrace Ukrainian identity.”

“That’s who Russia wants to destroy”. 

Ukraine and Russia shared close ties, with both countries having been part of the USSR’s socialist project and past Russian empires. Ukrainian history is littered with uprisings against Russian rule and catastrophes instigated by anti-Ukrainian policies, such as the Holodomor famine. 

“Sometimes when you read Western media you get the impression that the Russian army are complete idiots. But I think this leads to complacency because they’re not,” McGlynn continued. 

“The problem is Russia invaded Ukraine with a completely insane view and unrealistic view of Ukrainian society that was partially based in an imperialistic view of Ukraine as a country that doesn’t really matter.” 

“One of the reasons why this invasion will fail is that Moscow did not understand how resilient Ukraine is and how attached they are to the idea of being Ukrainian.”